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Our work takes us around the world, in service to and in support of people, individuals and communities experiencing the unimaginable.

Our Name

From the second that the unthinkable occurs, the life you knew—the way you understood the world—is indelibly changed. From that moment forward, there is "No Ordinary Day." Over the years of working in kidnap and ransom, disappearances, hostage negotiations, war evacuations, and child abduction recovery, there's been one objective: make families whole again and, by making them whole, restore their futures.

Our Story

The Work

At No Ordinary Day, "The Work" involves taking actionable steps to address and mitigate the challenges faced by those in crisis. This includes coordinating emergency responses, providing essential resources, and ensuring the safety and well-being of affected individuals and communities.

The Work
The Work

Our Mission

The mission and purpose of No Ordinary Day is to support individuals or communities affected by conflict or extraordinary events and to provide or coordinate direct support to alleviate their crises and reduce immediate risks to their safety and well-being.

Our commitment is singularly to the individuals, communities or vulnerable persons that we assist. We work closely with the people represent and act at all times with their consent and consideration to their well-being.

Our Commitment

Our Commitment
  • Make tangible and material benefits to the individuals or communities we support.
  • At all times respect the wishes and interests of the individuals and communities that we support or represent.
  • The "mission comes first" - the duty of care and action is the individual or community and supersedes any other consideration.
  • Act with integrity, transparency, and accountability at all times.

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